watches....Thepolicetookintocustody quitea few
peoplewhohadcomeoutof curiosityto watch. That
createdthe problemthere.
Whenyou left office,you statedthat peoplewerefree of
the scourgeof terrorism.Whatwentwrong?
Therewereno issuesrelatingto terrorismwhenI
left....For10 years—therewasonlyonemonth to go for
10 yearsof peace—there wasno problem.Unfortunately,
thishashappened now.
Wewarned themaboutthe dangersof loweringthe
guardacrossthe country. Whathappenedwasthe intelli-
genceservices,whichwerehandledby the military—and
it wasthelargest intelligenceservicethatwe had—the
weresentout.Someare in remand.Theywereremanded
for thingssuchas keepingsomesuspect withouta war-
rant.So theywerecharged.As manyas 48 officerswere
chargedwithvarious offences.Andsomeotherofficers
weretransferredout.Theseare the thingsthathappened.
Thenthe governmentgavethesepowersto the police.
Theysaidthatthe armymustnotdo thesethings,thisis
policework.As it is, the policehaveenough workto look
afterlawandorder.... Theotherproblemwasthatthe
policedid notlookfor intelligence on suspiciousactivity
acrossSri Lanka, theyweregoingafterus. Theywanted
to nailus, the Rajapaksas. So, theyhadno timeto lookfor
terrormodules or anythingelse.
You thinkthat the existenceof two powercentres,one
aroundthe Presidentand the otheraroundthe Prime
Minister,is at the bottomof poorgovernance?Whatcan
be the solution?
Yes.Eitherthe presidentialsystemmust comeback
or parliamentarysystemshouldbe adopted. Themajor-
ity wantstheparliamentary system.Now,no one[who
waspartof the government]cancomeout andsay,I was
againstit andI am notresponsiblefor this.Theyare all
partof thegovernment.Theyareall in thesameboat,
sailing withRanil[Wickremesinghe].
Whatwill be the role of Tamilsand Muslimsin a new
government in whichyou havea role?Who will these
ThistimeI thinktherewillbe a change.I don’tthink
theywillgo backto the samepeople[votefor the United
NationalParty].... Theyall should be moderate andthink
thattheyare livingin Sri Lankaandthattheyare partof
oneSri Lanka.
Whatdo you think of the fast organisedby a monkin
Kandydemandingthe resignationof two Muslim
Governorsand a Minister?And the threatsthat some
far-rightmonksare holdingout?
Whenelectiontimecomes,therewillbe a lot of
In this situation,wherethe presidentialelectionis about
six monthsaway,do you or yourcoalitionhavea
candidatein mind?
Ido not have a candidateas such.ButI will selectthe
bestcandidatewhocan win.We are partof a coalition.We
willgettogether,andI do notwantto nameanyone
withouta consensusandtakecredit for it. We willdiscuss.
WhenI meet people, I checkwiththemon suitabilityof
(centre), formerDefence
Secretary, andBasil
Rajapaksa, a former