Frontline – July 05, 2019

(Ben Green) #1


THEre-electionof the Bharatiya
Janata Party-led National Demo-
craticAlliance at the Centrehasfur-
thernarrowedthetolerance levels
for freedomof expression,especially
in States where the BJPis in power.
Anyattemptto lampoonits leaders,
directlyor indirectly,is tantamount
to testingthe scopeof the exerciseof
the constitutional guarantee of free-
domof expression. In this, whatever
ordersmaysay in defenceof freedom
of expression,thosein powerare
likelyto invokethe legalprocessas a
punishmentin itself,evenif theac-
cannotstandup to legalscrutinyand
is liableto be struckdownon that
On June8, the UttarPradeshpo-
lice arrested a Hindi language journ-
alist,Prashant Kanojia,for sharinga
videoon his Twitter handleand
thevideoclip,a womanclaimsthat
she has beenhavingvideochatswith
Adityanathfor a yearandwantsto
knowwhether theChiefMinister
willmarryher.In thevideo,sheis
seentalkingto reportersof various
media organisations outside the
ChiefMinister’sofficein Lucknow.
Sheevenclaims to havesenthima
marriage proposal.
Adityanathis a monk,andthe
publicsharing of thevideohasap-
parentlyhurthis imageas a bachelor.
TheUttarPradeshpolice pickedup
Kanojia fromhis homein Delhiand

tookhimto Lucknowpursuant to the
first informationreport (FIR) re-
gisteredby theHazratgunjPolice
Stationin Lucknow.
On June11, the SupremeCourt’s
vacationbench comprisingJustices
orderedtheimmediaterelease of
Kanojiaon bail.It asked theUttar

Pradeshgovernmentto showmag-
nanimity as thequestioninvolved
denialof a citizen’sliberty.“Thefun-
damentalrights guaranteedunder
the Constitution of Indiaandin par-
ticularArticles19 and21 of the Con-
stitution of India are
non-negotiable,”the bench held,tak-
ingseriousnoteof thefactthatthe

PRASHANTKANOJIA,aHindi journalist,beingreleasedfromthe Lucknow
jail on June12.

Unlawful arrests

Byarrestingjournalistsfortheirsocialmedia postsunderthe

provisionsofthe ITActthat theSupremeCourthasstruck down,

theUttarPradeshPolice displayscantregardforthe lawand

formedia freedom.BYV.VENKATESAN

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