Frontline – July 05, 2019

(Ben Green) #1

dia until after Independence (it
playedno seriousrolefor Gandhinor
evenNehru till then),andindeedit
onlybecameto be seriously relevant
in Indiaafterthe1980swhenthe
Europeancontextforit wasbeing
replicated or approximatedin India.
So,we haveto askthesameabout
fascismwhenapplyingit to India
todayor to Hungaryor....
If we are talkingaboutIndia,you
thenhaveto decide.Doesthe follow-
ingamountto an approximationof
whatwashappening in Germany
andItalyin thatfascistperiod?a)
Theexistenceof a vitally influential
paramilitaryorganisation like the
RSS [Rashtriya Swayamsewak
cingthestate.b) Theentiretalkof
“purity” in the Brahmanismthatun-
derliestheHindutvaoutlook, mim-
ickingtalkof racialpurity.c) The
invokingof boththestate’spolice
andHome Ministry apparatusas
wellas theinvokingof “thenation”,
“thepeople”(volk), stifle indi-
vidualdissent andto undermine the
sentfromthe statebearingdownon
it. d) Theappealto a gloriouspastof
the superiorityof a peoplebeing de-
basedby thenamby-pamby secular
accommodation of despised out-
sidersandenemies withinthe nation
(Jewsthen,Muslims now).e) Above
all, thedispersingof theseattitudes
intothe mentalitiesof the peopleby
propagandaandby the sanctionthat
someof thembegin to feelis givento
themby the statefor brazenlycrim-
inalactsof lynchingandother forms
of brutalityagainstminoritiesand
Dalits.f) Theroleof the ABVP[Akil
Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad],
mimickingtheBalillasin Italy,tor-
menting dissidentstudentson cam-
pusesacrossthe nation.Andfinally,
of course,g) thefusionof stateand
corporations,to use[Benito] Mus-
solini’s term, as is emerging in
Modi’seconomic ideal for the nation.
Well,everybody shoulddecide
for themselvesif a) to g) amountsto a
familyresemblanceto Europein the
1930s.Whatelseis thereto say?If
someonedecides “no,it does not”,all
youcando is justquarrel abouttheir
judgementor perhapstheirtaste.

Butthereis no knockdownargument
on eitherside.Thatis whyI am really
quitehappynot to talkof fascismand
talkmerelyof a pathologicalauthor-
itarianism.ForthatI thinkwedo
havesomething likea theoretical ar-
gumentandnotjustan appealto a
familyresemblance.Hereis howI’ve
consistently presented that argu-
ment.I’ll repeatit here.
Thestatein polities broadlyde-
scribedas liberaldemocracieswith
political economies broadly de-
scribedas capitalistaresometimes
characterised by a featurethat[Ant-
onio] Gramsci called hegemony.
Thisis a technicalterm,notto be
confused withthe casualuseof that
termto connote“poweranddomina-
tionover another”.In Gramsci’sspe-
classgetsto be therulingclassby
convincingall otherclassesthatits
interestsare the interestsofallother
classes. It is becauseof thisfeature
thatsuchstates(which represents
sucha class)canavoidbeingauthor-
itarian.Authoritarian statesneedto
be authoritarianprecisely because
thereis no Gramscianhegemony. It
wouldfollowfromthisthatif a state
thatdoespossesshegemonyin this
senseis authoritarian, thereis some-
thingcompulsiveaboutits authorit-
arianism. Now,whatis interestingis
thatthe presentgovernmentin India

possesseshegemonyin thissense,
thatit hasall theclassesconvinced
thatits policiesare to theirbenefit. If
so, onecanonlyconcludethatits
widely recorded authoritarianism,
therefore,is pathological.
onlymentionsa pathology(though
youmightobserve thatNazism has
been frequently described as a
I havesaidexplainsthepathology.
The argument merely establishes
thatit is a pathology andleavesit
unexplained. AndI thinkon the Left,
onefinds thatthisis generallytrueof
fascismtoo.Yousee fascismis partic-
ularlyvexingto the Leftbecausethe
Leftcan’ttakeit withinits explanat-
ory stride. In thisit is unlikeimperi-
alism.I thinkit is veryplausible to
say thatimperialism isbuiltintothe
tendencies of capitalism, so we can
explainit moreeasilywithin a frame-
workwe canconstructfor theana-
lysisof capitalism. ButI don’tbelieve
we haveanything likean explanation
of fascismthatsubsumes it to the
outcomesof thetendencies of cap-
ital.It is not thatwe cannot have any
explanationof fascism; it is nota
mysterium, it is not evensuigeneris,
for it willhave to lookat factors that
go beyondthe tendenciesof capital-
ism.Certainly, capitalismandthe
crisesit generatesare the prompting
conditionsfor fascism(andotherap-
proximatepathologically authorit-
arianstates),buttheydo notsuffice
to explain it.


The OxfordUniversityDictionary
chosepost-truthas the wordof the
year in 2017.The wordand the
worldoutlookbehindthat wordare
similarto that of postmodernism.
Are we reallylivingin a postmodern
and post-truthage? How do you
engagewith thesephilosophical
FredericJamesonmakea critique
of postmodernismby sayingit is the

PRESIDENTLuizInacioLula da
Silva.“He cametopoweronthe
waveof a tremendousworking-
classmovement withan



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