Reader’s Digest UK – August 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

now a Unesco World Heritage site,
is unique in that it's one of the
most impressive and complete
monuments of late 19th- and early
20th-century German architecture,
with its Neo-Roman churches, Neo-
classical government buildings and
university, and even Jugendstil and
Orientalist residential structures.
More names are engraved in
the edifice of the main building of
the university: Schiller, Humboldt,
Goethe, and other famous Germans.
Among them I discover only the
name of French philosopher
Descartes, in modest recognition
of 190 years of French rule that
preceded the German conquest.
It's a testimony to how both sides
denied the other’s legacy in the city

and the region beyond, with the local
population as the eternal victims
of distant Paris and Berlin alike.
But it has created one of the most
fascinating cities in Europe and even
a unique cuisine.
On an earlier, brief visit to
Strasbourg it was baeckoeffe that
struck me as a dish that could
potentially serve as the perfect
metaphor for Alsace. Its German
elements are typically meat and
potatoes, whereas the addition of
white wine gives the casserole an
unmistakable French twist.
Almost every restaurant in
Strasbourg and beyond serves it. But
beware, there's baeckoeffe and there
is Baeckoeffe, just as there is riesling
and Riesling.

Clockwise from top left: Orientalist
architecture in Neustadt;
Strasbourg cathedral spire rising
470ft above German-style rooftops;
of Strasbourg
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