Reader’s Digest UK – August 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1
AUGUST 2019 • 95

I visit the next day. A multimedia
timeline ends with European
unification symbolised by the new
Rhine River bridge to Germany
and the presence in the city of the
European Parliament, the Council
of Europe, and the European Court
for Human Rights. If there's one
thing the presentation underlines,
it's the symbolic significance
of Strasbourg as the seat of the
European Parliament.


n my last afternoon in the
city, I follow the banks of the
river Ill and pass splendid
old townhouses and the
headquarters of the French-German
TV network Arte on my way to the
futuristic glass palace housing the

European Parliament. A temporary
press accreditation allows me to
sit in the press stand in the main
meeting room. Looking down into
the debating arena, I recognise some
of the members of this Parliament,
which has brought Europe an
unprecedented 70 consecutive years
of peace.
To the left of the chairman are
the Socialists and Greens, then the
Liberals and Christian Democrats
and the Conservatives to the right.
And all the way to the right are the
Nationalists and Euroskeptics,
eager to turn back the clock and
retreat behind borders and fences.
The history of this beautiful city
should serve as a warning to them,
and to us all. n

left: Thierry Schwaller preparing
Baeckoeffe; neo-classical
edifice of Strasbourg
University; Jugendstil
Lycée forgirls in

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