Rugby World UK – August 2019

(Tuis.) #1
RW Promotion

Professionalism is one part of the mix,
but according to Parkes, ‘consistency’
is vital at all levels. “Don’t go off like
a firecracker in pre-season, then lose
motivation and enthusiasm,” he says.
With Red Bull Project Pro’s messenger
bot (details below), you will receive
Nowell’s expert tips over four weeks.

Every athlete is different but regular
work on the basics of strength training
helps players at every level, too, even
Nowell. As Parkes explains: “You can’t
go wrong with the old classics of push,
pull, squat, hinge, carry and lunge.
“For me a single-leg squat is ideal, and
I’d prefer that for someone who doesn’t

know what they are doing. So anything
from lunge to step-ups to rear-foot
elevated split squats – all of these work.
“Use something with a hinge at the
hips, to activate your posterior chain, and
then a carrying exercise for core work.
“So that push can be anywhere along
the spectrum from a feet-up single-arm
dumb-bell press, to a push-up, to an
alternate-arm, single-arm dumb-bell
press. There’s a whole category of steps
but this is a good start for anyone.”
Being stimulated is key, which is why
Exeter make training competitive and
players like Nowell are also emotionally
invested in the hard work, Parkes says.
You now know what goes into helping
the wing stand out at the highest level. It
is time to hear from the man himself by
joining up with Red Bull Project Pro.

“It’s about doing the right things

when nobody else is looking”

Join the Red Bull Project Pro messenger bot and get up
to four weeks of expert training tips from Nowell and
gather real insight into what it takes to become a Test
star. Also, look out for his limited-edition Red Bull cans
in a store near you and keep up to date on social media
via @RedBullUK and #RedBullProjectPro

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