Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

(ynorg) #1


‘Good gracious!’ cried Charlie. ‘Look at poor Veruca Salt and Mr Salt
and Mrs Salt! They’re simply covered with rubbish!’

‘And here comes Mike Teavee!’ said Grandpa Joe. ‘Good heavens!
What have they done to him? He’s about ten feet tall and thin as a wire!’

‘They’ve overstretched him on the gum-stretching machine,’ said Mr
Wonka. ‘How very careless.’

‘But how dreadful for him!’ cried Charlie.
‘Nonsense,’ said Mr Wonka, ‘he’s very lucky. Every basketball team in
the country will be trying to get him. But now,’ he added, ‘it is time we
left these four silly children. I have something very important to talk to
you about, my dear Charlie.’ Mr Wonka pressed another button, and the
lift swung upwards into the sky.

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