The room was like a Who’s Who of solid traditional tattooing: Todd
Noble, Valerie Vargas, Kiku, Beau Brady, Jeff Rassier, Dan Sinnes,
Mario Desa, Thomas Hooper, Cats, Roxx, Scott Sylvia, Tony
Hundahl, Em Scott, Barb Rebelo, Oliver Macintosh, and Greggletron.
That old familiar scream of coil machines belting out the ink filled the
air – no silent rotaries and gentle hum for these guys. The shear
speed at which they worked was enough to send you dizzy, and a
stream of willing customers waited patiently as – one after another –
each superbly drawn, shaded and coloured piece appeared. For me
personally, Tony Hundahl’s pair of demon heads on a guy's chest –
smashed out in just three hours – was simply mind-blowing. The
incredibly subtle and accurate fine line lettering of Em Scott was
sublime, and the constantly evolving girl heads from Todd Noble
never cease to amaze. Everyone was working long into the evening,
yet all had saved energy and space for walk-ups, and at the speed
that they worked almost everyone was catered for.
Oliver Macintosh
Dan Crowe
Em Scott
Valerie Vargas