Total Tattoo – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

quite understand what it is that is
manifesting itself – or why. I mean, what
makes you choose one idea instead of
another, out of a million possibilities? It's
a deep mechanism, and we have been
preconditioned to make this or that
choice by the story of our life, or the
story of that particular day, or whatever
has made a lasting impression on our
delicate psyche. It's easier to understand
things when they are externalised –
otherwise they're forever repressed in the
dark dungeons of our minds – and I think
getting tattooed is one of the many ways
to achieve that. So yeah, it is a process
of self-discovery, and as a tattooist I am
helping people to make that pilgrimage.
And when I witness their journey, it helps
me understand things about myself too.
Maybe all that sounds pretentious to
those who think tattoos are nothing but
cool pictures on skin, but I couldn't care
less. If tattoos were just a fashion

accessory without any spiritual depth,
how terribly shallow and boring and
meaningless the whole thing would be.
All that blood and sweat in vain.

Over the past twenty years there
have been numerous
developments and changes within
the tattoo industry. What has been
the most valuable change?
The equipment and the technology. It's
made the whole thing so much easier
and more efficient. From sleepless nights
of soldering needles to having all that
incredible equipment easily available.
Also the standards of hygiene are much
higher now. And having all the ideas and
images in the world at one's fingertips,
for free, instead of having to go though
all the dusty books in the local library,
photocopying two or three pages. But I
think the best thing is all the incredibly
talented people who've become
tattooists. Artists who are doing eye-
watering work now, when 20 years ago
they probably wouldn't have come near
a tattoo shop if you paid them! All this
has pushed us towards new horizons and
new levels of far-outness in tattooing.

And what changes have been the
least beneficial?
All of the above! They go hand in hand.
The fact that there are so many talented
artists who would previously have
steered clear of tattooing, means there
are also ten times that number who are
notso talented. Unfortunately the
popularity of tattooing will be its
downfall too. The stickers say, 'We must
resist the corporate takeover of the tattoo
industry'. But it cannot be done. It willbe
watered down, made easily accessible to
the masses of uncultured swine, and
turned into its own parody. It's already
happening. Tattoo shops run by
businessmen who see them as just
another profit opportunity. I've heard
artists are now referred to as 'service
providers' in the US. What the fuck is
that, excuse my language? This is one of
the problems of capitalism, the child of
greed and the cancer of mankind. It will
take anything meaningful, swallow it,
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