Men’s Fitness UK – September 2019

(Romina) #1


is the
of extra
weight you
can expect
to shift if
you do HIIT,
of Goiás, Brazil, analysed data from more
than 36 studies and found interval training
led to an average weight loss of 1.58kg,
compared to the 1.13kg attributed to those
who did moderate, lower intensity exercise.

Step-tracking culture has been
in full swing since the dawn
of Fitbit, but a new study out
of Harvard Medical School
suggests the target of 10,000 a day off ers no more
benefi ts, in terms of longevity, than a reduced fi gure
of 7,500. “Even if you take 2,000 more steps, you will
live longer if you step more,” said study co-author
I-Min Lee. “People who want to do more are better
off , but the benefi t seems to level off at 7,500.”

more miles might be
added to your marathon
if you wear a fi tness
tracker, according to
consumer company
Which?. The company
tested the reliability of
118 fi tness trackers and smartwatches,
discovering some products provide wildly
inaccurate distance readings over the
course of 26.2 miles.





To avoid piling on
the pounds on holiday, US researchers have
found a daily date with the scales can be
an effective – if unappealing – strategy.(2)
Of the 111 study participants, those who
weighed themselves on a daily basis either
maintained or lost weight during the holiday
season. Nothing says relaxing getaway like
knowing exactly how heavy you are.

Skip It

Good news for the

run-shy: skipping

is not only better

for the joints –

producing less

than half the peak

force on the patella

and kneecap – it

can also burn up

to 30 per cent

more calories

(depending on

intensity and




Shutterstock 1. East Carolina University and Appalachian State University 2.



Too Far


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