Men’s Fitness UK – September 2019

(Romina) #1



In the past, plant-based protein
suffered one fatal fl aw: it tasted
like the soil it came from.
Thankfully, the vegan protein
market has come a long way in
a short time and now the best
products match the whey-based
alternatives for taste as well
as content. Leading the charge

is Vivolife, with its range of
genuinely tasty products and, in
particular, its Vivo Sport Perform.
A scan of the ingredients
list is unlikely to get your tummy
rumbling (“Mmm bio-fermented
yellow pea protein”) but the end
result not only tastes great, it
contains an impressive 25g of

protein, plus 6g of plant-based
BCAA and a sprinkling of pink
Himalayan salt for good measure.
We’re big fans of the Salted Maca
Caramel and Banana & Cinnamon
fl avours, both of which weigh in at
less than 140kcals per scoop.

Recover right and keep your eco-conscience clean with plant-based protein


hey protein’s lofty position at the top of
the recovery product chain is not without
merit: whey is a complete source of
protein, providing all nine of the essential
amino acids required to repair and rebuild damaged
protein tissues. In short, whey works. But times they
are a-changing, and whey (the liquid remaining after
milk has been curdled and strained) is no longer the
undisputed king of the proteins.
Plant-based protein powders, once chalky and
nauseating, have a come along way not only in texture

and taste, but in their protein profi le. While few plant
foods are able to match whey’s amino content, vegan
protein manufacturers have found new ways to
combine several plant proteins – containing different
amino acids – within the same powder. The result?
Many vegan protein powders now not only match
whey for post-workout appeal, but also for recovery
Nowadays, protecting the planet and powering
your performance can go hand in hand, as these
products prove...



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