Men’s Fitness UK – September 2019

(Romina) #1
glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs
Stand with your feet wider
than shoulder-width apart and
toes pointing out at 45 degrees.
Place a kettlebell about one
foot in front of you, hinge at the
hips to send your backside back,
with knees just slightly bent and
shins vertical.
Keeping a fl at back and your
core braced, grip the horns with
both hands, palms facing you.
With the kettlebell still on the

fl oor, lift your chest and squeeze
your upper back, so the top of
the kettlebell tilts toward you.
Hike the kettlebell back
between your legs and as
it begins to swing back,
explosively ‘snap’ your hips
forward while squeezing your
glutes to stand upright.
Your hips should drive the
kettlebell forward and up, while
your arms are merely there for
guidance. Think of your arms as
two bits of string with hooks on

the end – you’re not lifting the
kettlebell with your arms at all.
All of the power should come
from your hips and glutes.
With your hands still fi rmly
around the horns, allow the
kettlebell to swing back down
between your legs, before

moving into another drive.
SETS: 3-5 / REPS: 15-25


MUSCLE GROUPS WORKED: biceps, delts, traps, lats, glutes, quads,
hamstrings, abs
Squat down and grab the kettlebell with your right hand. Your forearm
should be twisted inward with your thumb facing between your legs.
Make a tight fi st with your left arm and keep it straight out to the side
of your body.
Keeping your chest up, engage your core, drive through your heels
and use your hips to power the kettlebell up to your shoulder, rotating
the right wrist outwards on the way up to turn
the kettlebell to the other side of your hand.
At this point aim to have the kettlebell
pulled into you and resting between your
forearm, upper arm and chest. It should feel
stable and secure.
Pause for a moment, then reverse the
movement and return the kettlebell to the
starting position (in a deep squat with your
thumb facing through your legs). That’s
one rep.
Complete all the reps on one side before
changing arms and completing the set.
SETS: 3-5 / REPS: 12-15 / REST: 60 SECS



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