Men’s Fitness UK – September 2019

(Romina) #1
Follow Luke on Instagram @MrLukeGrainger

MUSCLE GROUPS WORKED: quads, glutes,
hamstrings, adductors, abductors, calves, abs
Start in a standing position, feet hip-width
apart, holding a kettlebell by the horns and tight
against your chest.
Step your right foot backwards in a reverse
lunge, holding the kettlebell as still as possible

and keeping your posture as upright as you can.
Lower your right knee to an inch above the
fl oor, then drive through your left heel and right
foot to return to the start.
Repeat with the left leg. That’s one rep.
SETS: 3-5 / REPS: 6-12 / REST: 60-90 SECS


obliques, biceps, triceps, traps,
delts, forearms, pecs, abs

Kneel on your left knee, with your
right knee bent and your right foot
fl at on the fl oor.

Hold a light kettlebell in your right
hand, pulled fi rmly into your chest
and shoulder.

Press the kettlebell overhead
while simultaneously leaning to the
left side, bringing your left palm to
the fl oor.

Pause, then slowly return to the
start. That’s one rep.

Complete the set by matching the
same amount of reps on both sides.

SETS: 3-5 / REPS: 6-12
/ REST: 60-90 SECS


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