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made ground-breaking discoveries and contributions in the science field


NAME: Amelia Mary Earhart
FROM: United States of
FIELD: Aviation
FAMOUS FOR: Amelia Earhart,
also known as Lady Lindy, was
the first woman to fly alone
across the Atlantic Ocean and
received the United States
Distinguished Flying Cross
award for this.
Amelia Earhart disappeared
attempting to fly around the
equator in 1937. Nobody has
heard from her since.
Grace Hopper started showing an interest
in engineering at the age of seven when
she tore apart seven family alarm clocks
to figure out how they worked. We’re sure
her parents were thrilled...

Computer whizz
NAME: Grace Hopper
FROM: United States of America
FIELD: Computer programming
FAMOUS FOR: Grace Hopper, also known as
‘Amazing Grace’, was one of the first women to
achieve a PhD in mathematics. She coined the term
‘debugging’, meaning ‘to fix computer glitches’, and
was also a pioneer of computer programming,
inventing one of the first linkers. She was the
recipient of the Defence Distinguished Service Medal,
the highest non-combat decoration given by the
Department of Defence, among many other awards.

Answers: 1. Palaeontologist, 2. Dentist, 3. Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, 4. Botanist, 5. Astronomer

Science quiz

  1. What do you call a scientist who studies fossils?

  2. What do you call a doctor who specialises in
    the treatment and diagnosis of conditions of
    the oral cavity?

  3. Name four subjects that make up STEM.

  4. What do you call a scientist who studies plants?

  5. What do you call a scientist who studies stars,
    planets and galaxies?

Did you know that ONLY 23% of the people working in
science today are women? We need more girls to
pursue the STEM field and become scientists
one day!
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