
(singke) #1
Liquid water is considered
essential to any form of life as we
know it, besides nutrients and
a source of energy. All of these
are found on Venus. Even though
the lower atmosphere and the
surface of Venus are quite hot,
the cloud layer found between
about 48 to 70 kilometres (30
to 44 miles) above the surface
is much cooler, allowing the
presence of liquid water. The
clouds are made up of droplets of
liquid sulphuric acid diluted with
water, as well as other chemicals
that can support life.
Being closer to the Sun, Venus
receives more sunlight per unit
area compared to Earth, but
the present cloud cover reflects
a large fraction back to space.
The rest is scattered by the
atmosphere and the clouds, a
small fraction is absorbed and an
even smaller amount reaches the
surface. At shorter wavelengths
the absorption by the clouds
and atmosphere is somewhat
greater due to the presence of
unknown substances. It has been
suggested that these could be
colonies of microorganisms.
Life certainly could have
when it had surface liquid water
where it may be present today.
Sanjay Limaye is a senior
scientist at the
University of

Could there be

any forms of

life on Venus?


you know?

The light released approximately
microwave background (CMB)
and can be observed


What is the farthest galaxy we know of?

which means that this galaxy was formed within
the first 300 million years of the universe, when
universe was a hot and violent place, and its scale
was much smaller than what it is today.
more massive than our Sun and appeared blue in
colour. It is unlikely for planetary systems to have
already formed around stars in this galaxy.
Studying distant galaxies tells us about the
state of the universe when it was very young,

and the galaxies that were forming in it at
the time. Nearby galaxies like Andromeda are
galaxies like our Milky Way formed and evolved
astronomers must study galaxies at increasingly
large distances.
at pictures from their childhood. Having a picture
for every age during their lifetime will help
and understand how they aged.
Aayush Saxena is a postdoctoral
researcher at Leiden Observatory in
the Netherlands


After the Big
Bang the
universe had to
expand before
its first galaxies
could form

The surface
and clouds
of Venus are
much more
than Earth


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