Foxtel Magazine – August 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

with him for, goodness, nine years or

something, but he remembered doing

J Edgar together and that was really

sweet. He’s a real sweetheart. And of

course Timothy Olyphant I worked with

for many years on Justified and he’s

a lovely guy and a great friend.

Do you find there is added pressure

in portraying a real person as opposed

to a fictional character?

Yes and no, because at least the advantage

you have [in playing a real person] is you

have a starting point. When there are just

words on a page, you’re always second-

guessing. What do they want this to be?

Who is this character? Am I going to bring

it to life in the way they would have

hoped? When there’s a real character

  • especially if there’s footage – then

you’re already halfway there to some

degree. Where it is hard is you then

have to pull it off.

What drew you to the role?

Actors like playing really cool roles and if

it’s a complex role then it’s all the more

interesting. I felt like there was a challenge

there and you don’t get challenges like

that too often. Having watched pretty

much everything of the guy, there are

a lot of different Mansons depending

on which day – or in fact which minute

  • he was speaking. It was definitely

a challenge to work out exactly how

to approach it. You also have things

like make-up and hair to help and, in

the case of a Quentin Tarantino script,

really great dialogue.

Can you still walk around Hollywood

without being recognised?

Yes. I can walk around Australia without

being recognised! I think I have the

fortune of looking, in a lot of the roles

I’ve done, different from how I look in

day-to-day life. It’s very rare that someone

recognises me in the street. It happens

occasionally and people are always lovely,

but it’s certainly not something that happens

often. And in America even less.

Do you relish that, though – that you

can have this amazing career doing

what you love, yet still just be Damon?

Yeah, I feel very fortunate. That’s a pretty

lucky place to be in. I might just have to

keep playing more of these characters

that don’t look like me to keep that up!

Who else would you still like to work with?

There are lots. Actor-wise, Meryl Streep,

she is just the best. Again, living in fantasy

Actors like

playing really cool

roles and if it’s

a complex role then

it’s all the more


20 Foxtel AUGUST

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