
(Rick Simeone) #1
12 \ August 2019 \

Symfony 4: A New Way to Develop Applications

There are a few things you need to
consider when using autowiring, read
more at^20.

  • They do not work on scalar type
    hints, only objects. Meaning you
    cannot autowire strings, ints, or
    Booleans, for example. Symfony
    automatically throws an exception
    if it runs into this.

  • Contrary to many people’s beliefs,
    autowiring does not impose a
    performance hit since all services
    are eventually compiled into a
    cacheable container file. However,
    when in dev mode, it might recom-
    pile more often when you modify
    classes, but unless you have very
    large projects, that should not be a

  • There is absolutely no need to use
    autowiring. Everything done with
    autowiring can be done by manual-
    ly defining services too. Autowiring
    removes the need to write large
    service files with boilerplate. You
    are not missing out on anything
    when you opt for not using autow-

  • Autowiring is not magic. It’s just
    Symfony trying to automatically
    inject services with other services
    based on their fully qualified class

  • Marking our services private by
    default makes your app faster! It’s
    not huge, but private services are
    faster than public services

Symfony Webpack Encore
We notice in previous years that
frontend technologies are moving quite
fast, and in Symfony 3 AsseticBundle
for handling JS and CSS was not the
best solution. It was not very easy or
developer-friendly, so usually, devel-
opers set up some other solutions to
use. Webpack Encore to the rescue. It
allows us to integrate Webpack in our
Symfony application. It wraps Webpack
and gives us one additional layer on top

21 frontend documentation:

22 release announcement:

of it, giving us the ability to use it more
easily and increasing DX. To use it in a
project, you need to run:

composer require webpack-encore

You get the folder where your assets
go—./assets—and ./webpack.config.js
is where your configuration goes. You
can see an example in Figure 11.
Webpack Encore is very powerful;
optimizing and minimizing CSS and JS
files is just one of the features; for more
examples, check the frontend docu-
You can use it for non-Symfony
applications also:

yarn add \@symfony/webpack-encore --dev

Updating to Symfony 4
Upgrading to Symfony 4 should not
be a problem. There is a little work,
like cleaning code, mostly service defi-
nitions (I hope you have tests). If you

are using Symfony 2, you should first
upgrade to Symfony 3.4 then move to
Symfony4. Why? Because they have the
same set of features—Symfony 4 is the
clean version with Flex. You need to
reorganize the folders and code a little
bit, and that takes some time, but it’s
worth it.
Symfony has a very well defined
release process, so in May 2019 they
released version 4.3, which is not an
LTS version. Even though there is no
Symfony 4 LTS version released yet, it
is worth upgrading to Symfony 4. You
can check the complete list of features
included in 4.3 in the release announce-

One Year After
I started using Symfony 4 a year ago,
and I got used to Symfony Flex and
autowiring quite quickly. I started with
a small project, building a web scraper
which grows in a matter of architecture
and complexity quite fast. However, I

Figure 11
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