
(Rick Simeone) #1 \ August 2019 \ 13

Symfony 4: A New Way to Develop Applications

had the same feeling throughout the
project—I am controlling my stack, and
I am using the exact components I need.
Moreover, I had a feeling of controlling
the framework, not vice versa. Symfony
4 gives you the feeling that you are not
highly coupled to the framework, and
you have incredible flexibility. It is not
just a feeling; Symfony 4 provides this.
Even if you choose some wrong compo-
nent for your stack, it is easy to remove
Symfony 4 has the philosophy that
you should focus on building features,
and I honestly think it achieves it. Flex
is a great thing, and it improved the
process of handling and developing
applications with Symfony a lot. The
new code structure is more natural
than before, and it is better organized
and easier to navigate. Symfony 4 is
the fastest Symfony release ever, and
also the best release that’s increased DX
significantly—without hurting perfor-
mance or any other important thing.
Symfony 4 is also great as a microf-
ramework but is also marvelous as a
fullstack framework. The best way is to

start small and add things as you need
them. It is easy to scale with Symfony

  1. Symfony 4 is going in the direction
    of building a higher level of abstrac-
    tion, and that allows quicker and better
    tools for prototyping and building web
    applications. Also, we need to keep in
    mind that sometimes a higher level of
    abstraction can be problematic for new
    developers trying to understand how
    things work under the hood. The good
    thing here is that Symfony has excellent
    documentation and a great community.

I think the real power of Symfony
comes from the community. The
Symfony community can be a role
model for any other community in the
development world. The things they are
doing, how they are organized, and how
they follow release cycles is fantastic.
Moreover, the Symfony community is
always ready to help new developers
start using Symfony and resolve prob-
lems. I think that is the best thing
about the Symfony framework, and I
am proud to be a part of that awesome

Antonio Perić-Mažar is CEO at Locastic, an agency based
in Split, Croatia. Its main focus is to build amazing mobile
and web applications for their clients, which range from small
startups to enterprise companies from all around the world.
For the last 10+ years Antonio has dedicated his time to
delivering high quality software solutions for his clients and in
2011 he founded Locastic. In a very short period of time the
team grew up and they became very popular in the develop-
ment world. @antonioperic

Docker for Developers, 2nd Edition


Chris Tankersley is a PHP Developer living in Northwest Ohio. He has been developing PHP applications for more than ten years, across
a wide variety of frameworks and business needs. In addition to programming, Chris manages hosting and server deployments for
developers that are looking for more than just what basic hosting provides. He currently spends most of his time working with Sculpin,
Zend Framework 2, and Drupal.
Chris is also an author of many PHP articles for php[architect], as well as a speaker, traveling around the US giving talks at many PHP-
based conferences. Chris also helped found the Northwest Ohio PHP User Group. Chris is the PHP FIG representative for Sculpin, a static
site generator written in PHP, and the lead developer for the PHP Mentoring website.

Docker For Developerswho are looking at Docker as a replacement for is designed for developers
development environments like virtualization, or devops people who want to see how to take
an existing application and integrate Docker into that work ow.  is book covers not only how
to work with Docker, but how to make Docker work with your application.
 is revised and expanded edition includes creating custom images, working with Docker Compose and
Docker Machine, managing Logs, and 12-factor applications.
You’ll learn how to work with containers, what they are, and how they can help you as a developer.
See how Docker simpli es building, testing, and deploying distributed applications. By running
Docker and separating out the di erent concerns of your application you will have a more robust, scalable
Learn how to use Docker to deploy your application and make it a part of your deployment strategy,
helping not only ensure your environments are the same but also making it easier to package and deliver.

Chris Tankersley

2nd Edition

Docker For Developers is designed for developers looking at
Docker as a replacement for development environments like
virtualization, or devops people who want to see how to take
an existing application and integrate Docker into their work-

This revised and expanded edition includes:

  • Creating custom images

  • Working with Docker Compose and Docker Machine

  • Managing logs

  • 12-factor applications

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