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34 \ August 2019 \

July Happenings

PHP Releases

PHP 7.4.0beta1:

PHP 7.3.7:

PHP 7.2.20:


Implementing Event Sourcing—Testing
Freek Van der Herten shares the news that they’ve released
a package to add test methods for the laravel-event-sourcing
package. These tests let you verify that an aggregate behaves
correctly. He dives into an example showing how to write
such a test class for an example accounting aggregate.

SymfonyCloud: From Early Access to General
On the symfony Project Blog, Fabien Potencier announced
the general availability of SymfonyCloud—a Platform as a
Service offering optimized for Symfony applications. With it,
you can define the services used on your projects in a single
YAML file.

Creating Encrypted Backups of Laravel apps
Simon Kollross shares how he makes encrypted backups
with the spatie/laravel-backup package. It creates a ZIP file
with your database and application files that you can trans-
mit to another backup location. Once the ZIP file is ready,
it’s encrypted using AES-256 to guard sensitive information

Laravel v6 Announcement!
At Laracon this July, Taylor Otwell unveiled the next release of
the Laravel framework will be available in August. One signif-
icant change prompting the version bump is that the project
will now follow Semantic Versioning.

Setup VS Code for Efficient PHP development
Louis-Marie Michelin started using PHP and documented
how the configured VS Code to stay productive. They list the
plugins they installed, and while the guide is based on Ubun-
tu 18.04, it should apply to other operating systems. Beyond
giving the editor PHP related intelligence, it also shows how
to make Xdebug work.

Trimming the Phat
Joe Watkins wrote an extension, Tombs, which he uses to
detect code that is unused in production. He needed to go
beyond just identifying code that the compiler can reach. He
details the challenges in finding code that is actually unused
in production. After running in production for some time,
the extension collects and reports functions and methods
that have not been executed.

Four Ways The Laravel Service Container Helps
Us Managing Our Dependencies
Christoph Rumpel has a post on his blog describing why and
when Laravel’s service container helps manage dependencies.
He observes that many tutorials explain how it works with-
out actually explaining what the container does. Starting with
an example CSV exporter, he lists how the service container
manages and retrieves objects needed by other objects.
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