Muscle & Fitness UK – August 2019

(lu) #1



FLEX: Have you encountered any
problems during the weeks you have
been back in the gym?

Phil: Not really. I have found that my
confidence in humanity was restored. People
stand and wait for me to get through doors
while they hold them; everyone wants to
help me do the simple tasks we take for
granted. And my customers of the gym
have been amazing, giving me so much
support in every way. It’s been eye-opening.
I have managed to start personal training
again, and my clients are patient and loyal.
However, I have recently had an infection,
which is a worrying situation. I am still a
heavy guy. I have twice the amounts of steel
rods going through my leg compared to an
average person. So, that means I have twice
the amount of chance to get an infection.
The last situation I want is to get an
infection in the healing bone, as that would
cause a huge problem. As soon as I knew
I had an infection, my partner got me
some antibiotics, and I started to make
a marked improvement.

FLEX: You’re looking leaner and fitter
than you were when we last saw you.
Have you been watching your diet?

Phil: Yes, I have. I’ve been eating healthy
and clean and increasing my vegetables
and lean meats, reducing my calorie intake.
I have also started using more vitamins and
minerals and calcium to ensure my bones
have everything they need to recover as
fast as possible. I was eating 5000 calories
a day when I was 24 stone, I have reduced
the intake to around 3500 calories, and
that is of clean, healthy food. I have learnt
a lot from this injury.

FLEX: Do you feel that you will take what
you have learned into the next phase of
your strongman career?
Phil: I know that when I get back to
training for strongman properly, all the
knowledge I have picked up to recover
better will be taken into creating a stronger,
faster athlete. I will be a new better version
of myself before I had the accident.

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