Muscle & Fitness UK – August 2019

(lu) #1

By Samantha Yardley

a polished routine but just remember we all start
somewhere. With lots of repetition and progression
you will find yourself mastering new tricks whilst
gaining strength and stripping fat.

Start with the basics

Leave the advanced skills to the YouTube aficionados
to begin with and concentrate on mastering the
basics. You will need to develop strength and
balance in order to progress onto more complex
routines. These 5 basic exercises should provide the
foundations for all calisthenic moves, perfect these
and the coveted world of muscle-ups and human
flags is within your grasp...

  1. PUSH-UP

Not only the staple of any worthwhile calisthenics
programme, but a functional compound move that
should be incorporated to everyone’s training regimen.
Push-ups work a wide array of muscles and develop
great core strength. Keep your back straight and core
engaged with hands shoulder-width apart. Position
wrists, elbows and shoulders in a straight line and
lower to the floor, allowing the elbows to come in.
Master the basic move and then increase difficulty
by raising the feet, widening and narrowing the
hands and eventually including some explosive
moves like hand claps.

  1. DIP

Another classic functional move this time targeting the
triceps. Select a sturdy bench or box, sit on the edge
and place your hands on the edge, either side of your
hips. Extend your legs and slide your glutes off the
bench so that your bodyweight is now supported by
your hands. Bend the elbows to lower the body and
straighten to raise. Repeat

  1. PULL-UP

This is where s**t gets real. You need to be proficient
at the standard pull-up in order to even think about
broaching anything tricky. Find a pull-up bar and grab
with a shoulder-width grip, palms down. Hang with
straight arms, legs off the floor. Pull yourself up by
pulling the elbows down to the floor until your chin
passes above the bar. Lower with control until your
arms are straight. Eliminate momentum to
build strength. Repeat.


Pistol squats are no easy feat and are the ultimate
measure of balance and core strength, not to mention
a supreme leg strength builder. Stand in front of a
pole or sturdy vertical object that allows you to reach
your leg around it. Firmly grasp with your hands and
lower into a pistol position with one leg in a squat
position, heel on the floor and other leg stretched out
straight, parallel to the floor. Using your arms as much
as necessary, pull yourself back up and repeat. As your
leg strength improves, you will find reliance on your
upper body decreases.


Start in a push-up position with your feet against the
wall. Begin walking your feet up the wall with hands
coming closer into the wall with each movement, until
you achieve a full handstand position. Hold for as long
as possible to improve strength. If you can’t reach full
handstand position at first; go as far in as you can,
it’s great for the shoulders.
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