Muscle & Fitness UK – August 2019

(lu) #1



are going to reach over the line
that society has drawn for you...
I know that for myself, doing that
thing which starts as a brainwave,
is worth the risk. I’ve done it many
times, but it doesn’t get easier to
take the first step. My most recent
big step is to follow up from a movie
that I was executive producer of,
called ‘Generation Iron 2’. I enjoyed
the process enough to know that
I wanted to write my own feature
length movie (Generation Iron is
known as a ‘docu-film’, almost like a
series of interviews put together to
a broad storyline, so differs from a
feature movie, where you need actors
to play the parts), but it’s a huge step.
It’s taken me two years to take the
plunge and get the script written,
even though I’m confident that
I can make this movie a hit (it’s a
Bollywood style production, aimed


ou can achieve anything
that you put your mind to,
it’s as simple as that! There
are countless examples of people
doing incredible things, just because
they took that first step and then
never gave up until they reached
their goal. I try and keep this at
the forefront of my mind, but it’s
not easy to think this way... our
environments are so often geared to
stop us taking that jump. Naysayers
are plentiful and the risk of stepping
outside of the comfort zone is a
scary thought for most of us. People
love to talk ideas down; they like
to point out the risks and they revel
in highlighting the challenges that
you will face.
Negative comments sit heavier than
positive ones, and so the pressure
on us to stay in line and not break
ranks is real and tough to deal with.
Mental strength is everything if you

at an Indian market). Every time I
went to start the process, something
got in the way, and when you are
taking a risk, and putting yourself
into unchartered waters, it’s easy to
find a reason not to continue... so
two years later, I have actually taken
that first step. I have a long way
to go with this project, and I know
there will be challenges along the
way, but I’m driven by the thought
of making something that inspires
others, and so I’m just doing it!

If you’re like me and you have ideas
in your head, but can’t seem to
take that first step, don’t let that
define your future. You can achieve
anything you put your mind to...
just do it.

Nick Orton
CEO BodyPower

Just do it...

By Nick Orton
Free download pdf