Guideposts – August 2019

(Nandana) #1









rent Shelton (Your
Greatest You, page 28)
doesn’t claim to have all
the answers. But in remind-
ing people of simple truths,
he has attracted millions
on social media. Twitter
and Instagram followers of
@trentshelton (as well
as his Facebook fans) get
a steady dose of im -
pactful videos and
memes—all part of
RehabTime. Trent
sees rehab as an
acronym: Renewing
Every Heart And
Body. In his book
The Greatest You,
he leads readers
through forgiving themselves and
others, as well as shaping their leg-
acy. Trent has noticed his own young
kids like his work. “Maya saw the
book at Target and handed it to me,”
he says. “Tristan wears RehabTime
gear, and I hear him talk about me a
lot. That makes me proud.” For
more info, go to


know from teaching that stories
and parables help people retain
information,” says Doug Lynam (Spir-
itual Wealth, page 16) about his
book, From Monk to Money Manager.
(Read a preview at
It covers everything from his family’s

unhealthy relationship with wealth
and his time with the Marines to his
years as a monk. Doug specializes in
teacher retirement plans—the result
of a math assignment he once gave.
“My class looked at the school’s retire-
ment plan and discovered it was a
train wreck,” he says. Doug and his
students found
out that other
schools also had
poorly designed
plans. So he fig-
ured out a better
way to invest
teacher contri-
butions, both
saving and mak-
ing more money.

SHELTON “Change starts with you,” Trent says.
Free download pdf