The CEO Magazine Asia – July 2019

(Nandana) #1 | 125

A study by Dr Yi Liu from the Capital Medical
University in Beijing even found that two-thirds of sports-
related eye injuries in Malaysia are caused by badminton.
As an entrepreneur, Kenny decided to take action.
He established Topvision Eye Specialist Centre in Banting,
Malaysia in 2010 and brought his wife together with
Dr  Peter Chong as a Medical Director on board, with
a mission to provide high-quality and affordable eye care.
The centre treats eye injuries and diseases, from cataracts
to age-related macular degeneration. In 2018, it was listed on
the Malaysia Stock Exchange, and today it has five centres in
Malaysia, with a market capitalisation of more than RM100

million. Kenny adds that there are three more new centres
currently in progress, one of which will be an International
Eye Specialist Centre. It is earmarked to be a sub-specialty,
multi-disciplinary, tertiary eye centre offering retina, cornea,
glaucoma, paediatric, aesthetic and oculoplastic, refractive and
LASIK services with in-house general anaesthesia services
for complex eye procedures, including cornea transplant.
This centre is also targeted to cater to international patients.
Topvision has a commitment to corporate social
responsibility, providing free eye screenings to the general
public and cataract surgery to the poor. One of Kenny’s
more memorable cases was that of a man who had lost
his vision due to cataracts. He later lost his job.
“Before the surgery he could only see a grey shadow
in front of him,” Kenny recalls. “Many ophthalmologists
told him he was literally blind and incurable. Eventually,
he became a beggar and thought he was going to live in
the gutter for the rest of his life.”
That all changed after he received cataract surgery from
Dr Peter Chong. “The moment he opened his eyes after
surgery, he got extremely excited and burst into tears,” Kenny
says, adding that 80 per cent of the patient’s vision had been
restored. “He was so grateful to Dr Chong’s skilful surgery.
He could see all the colours in the beautiful world and it
meant so much to him. I’m so happy for him and now he
can go and find a job.”
As a business leader, Kenny believes in doing the best
for the company and executing his job with passion. “My
personal motto is very simple: the more an employee is
committed and contributes to their company today, the better
the chances are they will be a successful CEO tomorrow,”

he says. Even though Kenny is a CEO, he says he still learns
new things every day. “My role in the company is both
as employee and employer. I work for our investors and
shareholders, taking care of their interests to make sure the
company is growing healthily. As an employer, I’m responsible
for my company’s interests and the long-term careers of my
teams. So, I try my best to create a better lifestyle and
environment for the community.”
Topvision is geared to address the eye health trends
occurring in Malaysia. Kenny highlights that the country’s
demographic change is progressing at a much faster pace.
“Ten per cent of Malaysia’s population will be over 65 by
2020,” he says. “By 2045, it will be 14 per cent.” As a result,
patients are opting for earlier cataract surgery with a desire
to maintain an active lifestyle.
Another major trend is the rising income level among
Malaysians, which is boosting demand for intra-ocular lenses.
“As a result of technological innovation, cataract patients can
now be given options that suit their lifestyle and preferences,”
Kenny says. “Some may want multifocal lenses and others
may want normal lenses.”
Having run the business for nearly 10 years, Kenny is
proud of how far Topvision has come. He says he wouldn’t
have been able to achieve these results for the company
without his team; mentioning Dr Peter Chong, the company
COO Carolyn Soong, and Kenny’s wife, who have been with
Topvision since day one. “I am grateful for their hard work,
cooperation, sacrifice and commitment,” he says. “Without
them, Topvision couldn’t have achieved what it has.”




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