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The company is now more than 90 years old. Mun Sum
is proud of managing Axe Brand oil for so many years and
for seeing the company expand into global recognition and
finding market acceptance in more than 50 countries. He
attributes this long-lasting success to Axe Brand oil being
practical and affordable. “It works, it’s affordable, and it’s
convenient to use,” he says. “That’s why it has lasted so
many years. For example, a newspaper will cost one dollar,
and you can still get a bottle of Axe oil at the market for
below one dollar.”
Mun Sum is a firm believer in aiding society. Leung Kai
Fook Medical Company (LKF Medical) sponsors many
projects and organisations across Singapore. The Kwong
Wai Shiu Hospital in Singapore has been a recipient of LKF
Medical’s donations of S$6 million (US$4.4 million) over the
past three years. It not only helps organisations in the medical
field, but has also donated to others such as the National
University of Singapore’s Department
of Pharmacy, an ambulance for
St John Singapore, the Singapore
Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Cord
Blood Bank, and more. “These are
some of the examples that show
giving back to society is important to us and what my father
always said,” Mun Sum says. “We also provide financial
assistance for education, such as scholarships.”
Axe Brand oil is helping society in many ways, and Mun
Sum says it has helped people deal with the pain that comes
mainly from living in the computer age. “So many people are
using the computer all day – they look at the computer and
at their phones – and feel eye strain and get shoulder aches
and headaches,” Mun Sum explains. “For hours, they look at
one screen or another. Axe Brand oil has become useful to
them to help relieve their aches and pains.”
The role of innovation in LKF Medical’s business and
operations has presented challenges for the company.
For example, there have been obstacles to overcome in
production. “There was the use of automation in the
manufacturing process as early as 1970, and for decades
the company had to constantly upgrade its facility to be
Axe Brand by LKF Medical is a recognised
heritage brand in Singapore and one of
Asia’s leading producers of medicated
oils. It boasts five Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP) certified factories across
Singapore, China, Malaysia, Indonesia
and Vietnam featuring state-of-the-art
technology. It still retains the spirit and
passion of its founding father, Leung
Yun Chee, who started the company
in 1928. For more than 90 years, Axe
Brand has built an extensive network
of loyal customers, many of whom are
ambassadors of the brand to their family
and friends. It is a trusted brand in the
industry and used by millions of people
around the world.
Interview | INNOVATE