Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1
50 July 2019


syad Group has registered
rapid growth in the last six
months due to sales increases
and new revenue streams,
resulting in a EBITDA growth
of 14 per cent and a forecast of 23 per
cent growth overall for 2019, according
to Abdulrahman Al-Hatmi, group CEO.

At the Asyad Group Leadership Team
hosted group-wide employee meeting –
branded as Majlis Asyad – to showcase
the group’s performance from the
first half of 2019 and outline keynote
initiatives for the second half of the
year, Abdulrahman Al-Hatmi, said,
“I am pleased to say that 2019 is set

to deliver our best Group financial
performance to date.” The shareholder
value increased from 16 per cent to 22
per cent in the first six months of 2019.

Linking ports
The freezones are progressively
attracting FDI. “We are integrating
our services across the value chain to
strengthen Oman’s position as a logistics
hub. Plans are on the anvil to link all the
three ports-Duqm, Sohar and Salalah.”

The Majlis, which took place at Oman’s
Convention and Exhibition Centre,
featured overview presentations on
current operations and upcoming plans,

as well as a question and answer session
for attendees. The event was attended
by 500 employees & stakeholders from
across the Group. The regular event
aims to build alignments and synergy
through all the operating companies
that are part of the Asyad Group.

Among the key highlights announced at
the Majilis included:

  • Group ports are forecast to see
    a 27 per cent growth in bulk
    volumes and 14 per cent growth
    in container volumes in 2019

  • 2019 FDI investment in the Sohar and
    Salalah free zones has reached $500


Asyad Group has delivered rapid growth in the last six months due

to sales increases and new revenue streams, resulting in an Ebitda

growth of 14 per cent and a forecast of 23 per cent growth overall

for 2019. Oommen John P reports

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