Closer USA – August 05, 2019

(Barré) #1
WhateverHappenedto theCastFrom...

My creation — is it real? Two computer-savvy

outcasts gave the John Hughes comedy some

life when it hit theaters on Aug. 2, 1985

Anthony Michael Hall
After playing computer
nerd Gary, Anthony, 51,
didn’t entirely get with the
program of being typecast.
He joined SNL for a season,
appeared in pics like Edward
Scissorhands and Six
Degrees of Separation and
starred on TV’s The Dead
Zone and Warehouse 13.
However, he did play Bill
Gates in the TV movie
Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Kelly LeBrock
While Lisa was the dream
girl for Gary and Wyatt,
Kelly, 59, became the real-
life wife of Steven Seagal
— with whom she made
the pic Hard to Kill and had
three children before their
divorce in 1996. Since then,
she’s appeared on the reality
shows Celebrity Fit Club,
the U.K.’s Hell’s Kitchen and
Growing Up Supermodel,
with her daughter Arissa.

Bill Paxton (1955–2017)
Subsequent to his turn as
Wyatt’s bully brother Chet,
Bill didn’t have to bother
anyone to get work. He
starred in over 50 movies —
including Aliens, Near Dark,
Trespass, Tombstone, Apollo
13 , Twis te r, Titanic and A
Simple Plan — as well as on
TV’s Big Love and Hatfields
& McCoys before passing
away from complications
following heart surgery.

Ilan Mitchell-Smith
Following uptight teen
Wyatt, Ilan, who turned 50
on June 29, was up to other
things besides acting. After
a few more roles in the pic
The Chocolate War and TV’s
Superboy, Ilan got married,
had two children, received a
degree in medieval studies
and became a professor and
writer. He currently teaches
at California State University
in Long Beach.


42 August 5, 2019 CLOSER
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