Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
n After Hope and Thomas
marry, Liam witnesses an
exchange that leaves him
unnerved. “The wedding has
happened, much to Liam’s
chagrin,” states Scott Clifton
(Liam). “He was hoping
something would come up,
but it happened as smooth-
ly as Thomas could hope
for. Now, they are married.
After a moment alone with
Hope, Liam comes down-
stairs; everybody has left,
and he overhears Thomas
and Flo. They’re not just
talking in secret, but ostensi-
bly arguing in a hostile way.
Liam hears Thomas men-
tion a secret that she has to
take to her grave. It sounds
vaguely like a threat, but it’s
hard to tell. The only thing
he knows is that this secret
has to do with Hope, and
that Hope can never find
out, and that gets Liam’s
wheels turning.”
Liam decides to investi-
gate. “The only connection
that Liam has to Flo is that
he believes she is Phoebe’s
birth mother,” notes Clifton.
“Liam realizes that he really
doesn’t know Flo that well
at all. He knows that she has
this history with his brother,
so who does he go to? He
goes to Wyatt, and he asks
him to do some digging.
Wyatt, of course, is curious

but he does agree to try and
get more details.”
Liam also grills Steffy
about the circumstances
surrounding Phoebe’s adop-
tion. “Liam goes to Steffy
and asks a few questions,”
Clifton states. “He asks her,
‘What do you really know
about Flo? Do you know

anything about her his-
tory or her life in Vegas?’
and Steffy admits that she
doesn’t know much, but
she’s really not concerned.
She’s like, ‘Why are you
asking? Just leave well
enough alone.’ At that point,
Liam goes back to Wyatt to
meet up and see what he has
found out.”
The Spencer brothers

then compare notes at Bikini
Bar, though Liam still keeps
his suspicions under wraps.
“Liam is very aware of
how delicate this is with his
brother,” says Clifton. “But,
I think Liam is less wor-
ried about pissing off Wyatt
than he is about pissing off
Steffy, because the fire that
he’s playing with here, in
Steffy’s case, is her baby. If
there is something involv-
ing Flo and the baby, Steffy
could seriously be hurt by
this. Of course, Wyatt could
be, too, but that’s a high
school crush, and Liam’s
emphasis here is being more
delicate with Steffy. That
said, he’s still diplomatic
with Wyatt. Either way,
Liam knows there’s more
going on here than meets the
eye, and he’s not going to
stop digging until he gets to
the bottom of it.”


late-breaking news

“He’s not going

to stop digging.”



On The Case:Liam
(Clifton) does some(Clifton) does some
legwork to uncoverlegwork to uncover
Flo’s secret.Flo’s secret.
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