Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Have you made any
regrettable style choices
over the years?
“Oh, yeah. I mean, I’ve had
some hair tragedies. I’m from the
’90s hip-hop era, so there were the flat-
tops and the different level flattops and the crazy parts that
you cut in your hair. I even had two parts one year in my
eyebrow. I wouldn’t relive those again.”

What about wardrobe regrets?“Parachute pants. I
begged Mom and Dad for parachute pants. They were all
blue and they had the big, long zipper on the side and then
they were red on the inside. Of course, I look back now
and think, ‘What a horrible fashion trend. What a period in
fashion!’ I mean, things usually circle back around — bell-
bottoms, crop tops and low-rise [jeans] — but parachute
pants, not so much.”

Your mom had a beauty business when you were
younger. Did that have an influence on you?“Oh, for sure. Mom taught us some
stuff that I use to this day. I bought some shirts just yesterday based on my season! She
would test out all these beauty products on her three sons. We were wearing masks and
all this other stuff at 11 years old.”

So you’re not too macho to enjoy a good beauty treatment?“Oh, no. I was told,
‘When you go to L.A., don’t start messing with your eyebrows. Don’t let them do it
to you.’ Well, I started threading my eyebrows and lo and behold, I love it. It’s a clean
look. First you go, ‘Oh, I’ll never do that.’ And then you go, ‘Oh, that wasn’t so bad.
I look amazing.’ I think it’s awesome. I don’t know why guys fight it. It’s wonderful.
Pedicures? I know guys who are like, ‘Oh, I’m not letting anybody touch my feet.’ I’m
like, ‘Everybody in this room can touch my feet!’ ”

Where do you shop? “Melrose. When I first moved to L.A., I’d walk down Melrose
and quickly realize that if you don’t have a good job, ‘I can’t afford Melrose! There’s
a T-shirt that I like, but it’s $85.’ You’re like, ‘One day.’ Well, now I can shop at
Melrose. You get these nice little finds that you know you’re not gonna see 30 million
people wearing. I like that. I love my cat, Josephine Baker, who is all black everything.
There’s this wonderful T-shirt I found with a black cat on it.”

Send your style questions to Star Style, Soap Opera Digest, 4 New York Plaza, 2nd
Floor, New York, NY 10004 or email them to [email protected].
Due to the volume of mail received, we regret that we cannot answer your letters personally.

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Donnell Turner
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