
(sharon) #1


The Big


Tamriel is facing their return). Rally
your forces, because you’ll need to
form a team of 12 players to even
stand a chance of taking on the
powerful drake Nahviintaas.
As it’s their homeland, you may
well see a whole other side of the
Khajiit. The Khajiit are made up of a
number of races that vary wildly
from one another. Only the bipedal
Suthay-Raht are playable here, but
the Cathay were the playable cat
people in Skyrim and Oblivion.
However, there are over 17 different
Khajiit races, ranging from ones that
don’t look much different from a
house cat all the way to some that
are almost indistinguishable from
Mer or Men. This is because, in a
particularly nutty bit of Elder Scrolls
lore, a Khajiit’s appearance and
physiology is entirely dependant on
which lunar phase they are born in.
The new zone is similar to last
year’s Summerset in terms of the
amount of new stuff it brings to The
Elder Scrolls Online. With its
dungeons, delves, dragon attack
world events, Trials, and more, the
Elsweyr update will amount to about
30 hours of content. But beyond its
size and scope, there’s one more
addition we’ve neglected to mention
until this point...

Elsweyr will introduce the
Necromancer class. It’s the first new

class since 2017’s Morrowind
update introduced the animal-
wrangling role of Warden, and much
like that class gave you some control
over the wilds, the Necromancer has
control over the dead.
There have always been those
who practise the dark arts across
Tamriel, but for the first time in a
long time you’ll be able to compel
some bones to rattle yourself.
Besides raising corpses to fight for
you, this class includes three new
skills. Reaper allows you to give your
undead footsoldiers an extra
environmental kick as they recruit
your enemies to the cause, Bone
Tyrant allows you to use the actual
remains of the dead to shield
yourself, and finally the power of
Living Death grants you the ability to
resurrect fallen comrades so that
they may rejoin the fight anew.
Touted as a more tactical class, this
one is sure to suit the spookier
inhabitants of Tamriel.
And you’ve not got too much
longer to wait to raise a little hell as
Elsweyr is going into Early Access in
May. The full release will breach our

console shores from 4 June and, as
we saw previously with the previous
Summerset and Morrowind
chapters, The Elder Scrolls Online
will see the release of a special
Elsweyr edition. As you would expect,
this edition comes with its own host
of in-game goodies.

If you’re a newcomer to Tamriel, the
pre-order edition of Elsweyr nets
you two 100% experience scrolls so
you can hit the ground running. You’ll
also get a number of treasure maps,
a new costume, and a new pet. An
electrified horse mount is also
available with the digital pre-
purchase edition. The Collector’s
edition also includes its own mount in
the form of a fierce Senche-Raht
battlecat... which may allow you to
live out your He-Man dreams but
will probably feel just a bit strange if
your character is also a Khajiit.
Needless to say, the cat-mad
members of Team OPM can’t wait to
jump into this chapter of The Elder
Scrolls Online and, with access to
Summerset and Morrowind included
within the Elsweyr editions, even if
you’re not into the meow-vellous
creatures there’s never been a
better time to begin your own
adventure in Tamriel.





QThe chapter brings new global events
in the form of Dragon Attacks.

QElsweyr has changed a lot in the 25
years since The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

For more information, see the official
site: elderscrollsonline.com/en-gb/home.

The Khajiit have featured in every Elder
Scrolls game since Arena, though that
particular race, the Ohmes, looked far
more like elves than any cat folk you’d
see today... and you definitely shouldn’t
call them ‘cat people’, take it from us.

We’ve only just been
able to visit Elsweyr and
these scaly blighters are
threatening to destroy it.
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