Automobile USA – September 2019

(Tina Meador) #1


The OVC previously hired race car driver Rick Titus to
wring out its Mustangs at Willow Springs, but as Marietta
fires the Stinger into the first corner, it’s a wonder why—
it’s evident this guy can drive. “It’s got plenty of scoot,”
says Sutton, who’s riding shotgun. “These are some pretty
challenging roads. These curves and hills are like Willow
Springs, where we test our cars. A bit unnerving for
someone who doesn’t have a hold of the steering wheel.”
“I don’t want to be too aggressive,” Marietta says, and then
he jumps on the accelerator. The Stinger’s eight-speed auto-
matic responds instantly with a downshift. “That popped
down pretty quick,” he says. “We should have hit 100 there. I
can’t look at the speedo because I’m a little bit busy.”
“Pop the chute!” Sutton exclaims.
“Did you feel it break loose a bit there, in the rear?”
Marietta asks. “No,” Sutton deadpans. “I did,” Marietta
says. “Just a little tail out.” Braking hard for a sharp bend,
he says, “It wiggles a bit on hard braking.” Sutton feels it
at the same time. “The tail was wagging a bit, wasn’t it?”
As the driver gets more and more comfortable with the
car, he cranks up the speed even further. Sutton calmly
takes in the scenery as we rocket through the path of the

After 50
years of
wrenching on
Jim Marietta
knows a thing
or two about
He put our
through its
paces on the
roads above
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