Vette – July 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Our ’64 Corvette project car still featured the original
drum brakes. We started by removing the dust cap, the
cotter pin and then the retaining nut.


Our car’s drum brakes functioned properly, and all of
the parts were in great shape. We could’ve continued
using this system but we wanted more braking power for our
modified Corvette.


Two additional bolts are undone in order to remove the
backing plate. Keep in mind that these are pass-through
bolts with nuts on the backside. The bolts also pass through the
steering knuckle arm.


Behind the retaining nut is a flat washer with a key-
way made into it, and behind that is the outer wheel
bearing. We carefully slide the drum and hub assembly off
of the spindle.


After we removed the springs, shoes and other brake
hardware, we can remove the large bolt that holds the
wheel cylinder in place. This bolt also fastens the backing plate
to the spindle.


Before we remove the backing plate and wheel cylinder,
we remove the flex hoses. It’s never a good idea to reuse
brake hoses, but the Wilwood kit requires new hoses due to a
different fitting size on the caliper.

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