More importantly, actions performed in the past will have
consequences for the manor’s present.
I’m going to use this to save Aramis Stilton’s life.
The mechanics of this are pretty straightforward, I just
need to reach the manor’s back-garden in the past, and
choke Stilton out in his gazebo, preventing him from
attending the ritual and witnessing the horror that took
place there – a horror which drove him mad. The process,
however, is tricky. The house is a gigantic maze stretched
across two timelines. Doorways blocked in the present are
clear in the past, and vice-versa. The absence of my
powers makes movement trickier, although I can avoid
guards easily enough by escaping into the other timeline.
Alongside the fact that I’m currently murder-averse,
my journey through the manor is relatively low-key. The
only truly notable event happens when I arrive in the
back-garden and almost completely screw up saving
Stilton. As I drop into the gazebo to choke him out, a pair
of guards spot me, rushing
over while I grab Stilton
around the neck. One of
them raises his sword to
attack right through
Stilton. I desperately back
away as he swipes, and his
blade misses Stilton’s
stomach by a hair’s
breadth. I put a sleep-dart
in the guard, then hide
Stilton amid the foliage
before absconding to the present.
It works. Years of grime and decay are instantly swept
away from Stilton’s manor, replaced by gleaming marble
polished by newly appeared servants. It isn’t merely
Stilton’s home that has changed, either. As I complete my
remaining tasks and head out into the Dust District, it too
is revived. The buildings are no longer crumbling, and the
hIs blAde
mIsses sTIlTon’s
sTomAch byA
hAIR’s bReAdTh
miners are no longer
hungry. “Maybe no one
will even notice,” Corvo
mutters. “But things have
changed here for the
better.” Seems all that
not-killing people has paid
off. But has it paid off for
me? As I return to Sokolov
in the skiff, I get my
answer. Highlighted in
bright green lettering, my Overall Chaos level now reads
A big relief. But the job isn’t done yet.
I’ve only just tipped the balance of Chaos in my favour,
and there are still two missions to go. I’m going to be
walking a tightrope for the final stretch of the game, but
the Judge is back in action.
Don’t worry, these Howlers are not
dead, just incredibly uncomfortable.
No passage can restrict me!