week of celebrations,
incorporating the Port of
Dartmouth Royal Regatta
on 29-31 August, will
kick o on Saturday 24
August in the Devon town, which marks
the 175th edition of its regatta this year.
Racing is organised by volunteers
from the Royal Dart Yacht Club,
Dartmouth Yacht Club and Dittisham
Sailing Club, with junior dinghy racing
on the lower reaches of the Dart and
for seniors in the waters between
Dittisham and Galmpton. e yacht
races take place in Start Bay with an
anticipated 250 boats, from classics to
keelboats to high-end race yachts and
a range of handicap classes including
IRC. ere will be class racing for
J109s, J24s, Etchells and Squibs.
Other events on the river include an
illuminated boat procession, a classic
boat review, steamboat rally, the return
of the popular Kon-Tiki ra race and
many rowing events including gig racing.
Ashore, the town is buzzing with
a huge variety of events including live
music throughout the week on the
bandstand in Coronation Park and
a prom-style concert on the Friday.
By day there will be a riverside street
market and a regatta cra market
in Old Market Square. e regatta
climaxes with a celebratory reworks
display on the Saturday night.
Ed Botteril, chairman of the Port of
Dartmouth Royal Regatta, said: “is
year is our Regatta 175 celebration and
we look forward to a feast of events
ashore and great racing on the water.”
For information about the sailing
events, including berthing in one
of six local marinas and ports, visit
Book for individual events via the
regatta website dartmouthregatta.co.uk
e event Facebook page has the
latest: facebook.com/dartmouthregatta
Dartmouth Royal Regatta is 175 years old and plans
to celebrate in characteristic style
Above and right
Class racing
for Squibs and
others, as well as
handicap racing
in Start Bay
32 Yachts & Yachting August 2019 yachtsandyachting.co.uk