Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1
AUGUST 2019 19

Seagull Models
DHC-1 Chipmunk 80-in.
Available in Army Camo and Yellow Training
colors, the aircraft we have all grown to love
is now in affordable giant scale. Easy to fly
for anyone with intermediate experience,
Chipmunks are known for their aerobatic
abilities, and this model will not disappoint.
Covered in genuine Oracover for fast repairs
from “flak” or hangar rash. It requires a
20cc engine and has a plug-in wing for easy
transport and quick-and-easy assembly.

Seagull Models
P-47B Wicked Rabbit 81-in.
Item no. SEA306WCKDRBTP47 $
VQ Warbirds brings you the exciting all-new
81-inch P-47B, with loads of scale details you
have been wishing for: heavy ordnance load
with rocket tubes, pylons, bombs/drop tanks,
two-piece gear doors for a more authentic
look, machine-gun barrels, radial-engine cover,
a pilot, a rearview mirror on the canopy, and
more. The two-piece wing makes transport
and fast field assembly a joy. It is covered in
genuine Oracover for fast and easy repairs
from “flak” or hangar rash. VQ Warbirds is the
authorized importer of Seagull Models.

Hangar 9
Fokker D.VII 30–60cc
Item no. HAN2890 $
Hangar 9’s first WW I giant-scale warbird, this built-up model features a scale replica engine,
sprung wooden tailskid and shock-absorbing main gear, a detailed cockpit with a pilot and
instrument panel, machine guns, functional flying wires, vintage wheels, and UltraCote
covering. Two-piece bottom wings with aluminum wing tubes and a three-piece top wing make
for easy transport. Use with 30 to 60cc gas or glow engine or equivalent electric motor.

Krill Models
Composite Airplanes
Item no. N/A $1,339 to $3,
Get the Krill 38% Laser Z-2300 with a 110-in.
wingspan for 150–170cc power. Multiple
schemes currently available. Also, the 39%
120cc Ultimate 300KS, Extra 330SC (31%–41%
sizes), and Avanti S Jet with electron landing
gear available. Receiver-ready options of the
Ultimate 300KS models are available for those
who prefer a prebuilt option.

Balsa Airplanes
Item no. N/A $269 to $1,
Pilot-RC manufactures the highest-quality
balsa planes. No corners are cut when building
any of its planes, from 20% up to 40%. Models
available include the Extra, Edge V3, Decathlon,
Predator, and Viper jets. Plus, the all-new
Challenger Pitts biplane. Chief Aircraft features
many scale and 3D-printed schemes, or you
can order your own custom scheme. Profes-
sional building services also available for the
pilot on the go.


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