Volume 147
Number 8
August 2019
6 | Prefl ight
8 | Pilot Projects
10 | Tips & Tricks
64 | Aerobatics Made Easy
66 | Final Approach
MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS (USPS 533-470; ISSN 0026-7295) is published monthly by Air Age, Inc., 88 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897 USA. Copyright 2019, all rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Wilton, CT, and additional mailing offi ces.
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15 Gear Guide
Mission-critical planes
and products
34 Florida Jets 2019
21st in a rowand still goingstrong!
By Rich Uravitch
44 Let’s Talk RC
Startinga conversation about the
state of the hobby
By the Model Airplane News crew
50 Construction/Aeronca 7ACChamp
This classic “Airknocker” is easytobuild
and a great fl ier
By Pat Tritle
58 Flight Techique/Mastering the Takeoff
Secrets to successfully getting airborne
every time
By David Scott
Alex Raff of Team Infi nity
hovers his CARF-Models
Mephisto V2 above the
Paradise Field runway at this
year’s Florida Jets event.
(Photo by Rich Uravitch)
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