Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1


of accomplished and recognized fliers who use
the Elite Aerosports “Havoc” as their jet model
of choice. Jase Dussia flies one of the GTS models
in an impressive manner; on the deck, the roll
rate is so fast the wings appear nearly as a blur.
Another huge crowd pleaser was the amazing
NA XB-70 Valkyrie designed and built by Bret
Becker. Bret has refined the design over the last
couple of years and has now reached the point
where his electric jet flies smoothly and looks
great anywhere along the flight path. He tells me
that further refinements are planned to enhance
his competition scores.
This is a must-attend event. It’s a showcase
for the leading edge in aero miniature technology
from fabrication, propulsion, machining, and
finishing techniques. You’ll likely find those
participating to be knowledgeable and willing
to share their experiences. Jets, especially the

turbine-powered variety, are clearly not for
everyone. The fun factor can be obtained from
far less sophisticated, alternatively powered jet
models without the price tags associated with
the kero burners, but if you’ve got the price of
admission, it’s the closest you’re going to get to
strapping on a full scale.
When it comes to seeing—and touching—new
jet stuff, Florida Jets offers a great opportunity
to examine and purchase all kinds of jet goodies.
For anyone looking for turbine engines, gyros and
flight-stabilization systems, radio gear, jet “kits,”
and other turbine-specific accessories (including
pilot figures), Vendor’s Row was the place to visit.
This year’s Florida Jets, as in years past, was
truly an amazing event, and plans are already in
the works for next year. From the standpoint of
either a spectator or a participant, it doesn’t get
much better than this. J

For those of you who prefer your jet models to be all-wood and not quite as intimidating from a cost
standpoint, Team Horizon Hobby was at the event flying a turbine-powered version of the Hangar 9 Ultra
Stick sport model.
Built by Joey Tamez, from JT’s Hobby in Fort Worth, Texas, his “Turbo Stik” is powered by a 100-size
turbine. Joey says that he built it to help customers and club members in his area get into jets. He wanted
something less intimidating and with a more familiar shape that would not scare people away from flying
turbines. With a wingspan of 80 inches, this sport turbine flier has excellent performance.




Above left: This KingTech-
powered, 1/7-scale F-22
Raptor is from T-One as
done by Kris Gunter. Slick-
looking airplane!

Above right: There sure is a
lot going on inside the CARF
Mephisto when you get the
hatches off. It’s becoming a
popular giant sport jet.

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