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Curtiss P-36C
Rene Alvarez, Wesley
Chapel, Florida
Built from a plan from
Jerry Bates Plans and
a Bob Holman Plans
laser-cut kit, this
82-inch-span model
is powered by a RCGF
50cc twin and has
Sierra retracts. It’s
covered with Flite-
Metal to reproduce
the full-scale aircraft
at Warbird Tails and
articles in Flight Journal
magazine. Rene writes,
“Th e model has all
the rivets and screws
with panel lines. All the
controls are internal,
with operating fl aps,
retracts, manual canopy
opening, and dry transfers by Aeroloft. At the moment, the model has a dozen
fl ights at the Bay City Flyers club with no issues at all.”
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Canadair CL-415| Rob
Dickinson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
After building this model from a
Sarik short kit, Rob powered it with
two E-fl ite Power 25 motors. He
dressed up his model with decals
from Callie Graphics to diff erentiate
it from the two others his TEMAC
club members also built. (If you
look closely, you can see a string
that’s keeping the plane from
fl oating away!)
F-106 Dart| Chuck Cawthon, Garland, Texas
Chuck writes, “Th is is my homemade blue foam
likeness of the F- 106 Dart. With a Grayson Hobby
SuperSonic V2 motor, 30A E-fl ite speed control, and
3S 1500mAh battery, it yields three minutes of fi re-
breathing fl ight. I love this sport.”
Marquart MA-5 Charger| Darrell Abby, Bedford, Texas
Darrel built this 1/4-scale model from Walt Moucha plans and used the paint
scheme of a full-size homebuilt that won the 2009 EAA Grand Champion award for
a plans-built aircraft. He painted the 73-inch-span model with the same Randolph
aircraft dope that was used on the full-size version. J