(tcwanyanwu) #1

In an effort to keep black slaves
oppressed so that they could sustain
their rulership in Rome, Pope Alexander
VI hired Leonardo da Vinci and
Michelangelo to paint all of the images of
The Black Christ in Europe in the image
of his son Cesare Borgia.

Since both of these artists were well
known, a competition broke out between
the two, to see who could impress the
Pope more by making a new image of the
Pope’s son that would deceive the world
into thinking that Cesare was Jesus. So
the majority of the images displaying the
White European looking Jesus that we
see in paintings today at churches and
Christian stores, is actually a picture of
Cesare Borgia not the Messiah. But Leo
and Michelangelo didn’t just stop there,
they painted all of the people of the bible
to be white, deceiving the entire world of
what the people of the book really looked

Over time, these false images have saturated

the minds of the masses to such a degree that

the notion of the messiah being black, sounds

like a lie.

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