(tcwanyanwu) #1

FYI: Scripture says that which is made
with hands is cursed, but why would it be
so? Isaiah 2:8 - Their land also is full of
idols; they worship the work of their own
hands, that which their own fingers have
made: Because the image that they put
up, they called it Christ, which therefore it
not being Christ made it a curse and a sin
unto them because they themselves
made it with their own hands and fingers.
So therefore by calling it Christ, they give
glory unto another and not the true and
living God, therefore they worship it and
give honour to it as being God which
makes it idolatry.

So being corruptible, this image was
called God, so when the true people
would begin to desire to learn about
Christ, they would be told hey worship
this guy, then they would ask who is he,
and they would be told he's Christ.

Question: What else is written?

Wisdom of Solomon 14:9 - For the
ungodly and his ungodliness are both
alike hateful unto God.

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