(tcwanyanwu) #1

I agree with the author Evangelist T. C.
Wanyanwu in this sensitive material that
this kind of teaching is in order. What we
want is the truth and nothing but the pure,
raw and undiluted truth. Proverbs 11:
says through knowledge shall the just
be delivered.

God is not a respecter of any man, in due
season, the hidden truth and the agenda
of the wicked one and his agents will
surface to their shame. Jesus said, if you
remain in my word, then you are my
disciple indeed. (Jn 8:31-32).

This book will, loose many who are blind-
folded in the faith – both in mind from
wrong and carnal teachings. The author,
coming from a lineage of revered idol
worshippers through this book has
separated himself as an anointed
Prophet of Jehovah with a mandate from
God to deliver men from Idolatry. Anyone
judging him by what he was in the past,
may not be blessed by this revelation.

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