(tcwanyanwu) #1

There was an Indo-European invasion
(Germanic) of the Middle East between
the years 2000 and 1500 B.C. These
Germanic tribes intermingled with the
black people everywhere they traveled.
This mingling made the people in Syria,
Babylon, Assyria, Persia, India, and parts
of Arabia much lighter in complexion.
Now, the colour of the people in this
region ranges from brown to yellow.

The Greek and Roman invasions also
made these people in the Middle East
lighter. Another fact we should not forget
is that the Moors and Arabs from North
Africa captured and raped European
women. As a result, the North Africans
became lighter. At one time, these
people in North Africa and the Middle
East were all black.

Whites have intermingled their blood with
blacks in Asia, Africa, and the Western
Hemisphere. In spite of this, the coloured
people of the world control about three-
fourths of the earth’s geographical area.

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