(tcwanyanwu) #1

With this comprehensive "biblical"
strategy, the myth of inferiority took
theological wings. These Christians
forgot that the apostle Paul told masters
to treat converted slaves as equal
brothers in Christ (Philem. 1:15- 16 ).
They forgot that the apostle Paul said
that slaves had the right to try to change
their status (1 Cor. 7:21). And they forgot
that the masters' authority over slaves
was limited.

It was not within the mater's rights to treat
a slave in an inhumane manner. Masters
were to apply the Golden Rule to slaves
and were not to treat them as children of
a lesser god. The God who rules both
heaven and earth will show no partiality
to those who commit evil against
humankind, whether slave or free.

The colonial Christians forgot Paul's
writing to the Ephesians, which says,
"For He Himself is our peace, who has
made both one, and has broken down the
middle wall of separation, having
abolished in His flesh the enmity" (Eph.
2:14- 15 ).

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