Blackcurrant capsules
Try: Curranz (£21.75; curranz.
Research presented at the 2018
International Sport and Exercise
Nutrition Conference confirmed
that berry anthocyanins — the
potent antioxidant pigments that
give the fruits their deep purplish
colour — help to improve blood flow
to muscles and prevent muscle
stiffness after exercise.
They are also good for your
ticker according to Glyn Howatson,
a professor in sports science at
Northumbria University, who in his
latest study found that people with
the highest anthocyanin intake
were 9% less likely to suffer from
coronary heart disease.
Cherry shots
Try: Cherry Active (£25; active-
Professor Glyn Howatson’s work at
Northumbria has also investigated
the natural anti- and anti-oxidative
power of U.S. Montmorency tart
cherries, (see
popular as juice and shots. His work
is cited in the International Olympic
Committee Consensus Statement,
which highlights the use of tart
cherry nutritional supplements
as an evidenced based recovery
Not all scientists agree – a
Cochrane review published in 2018
by experts at Sheffield Hallam
University showed that antioxidant
rich products such as cherry juice
did not result in any meaningful
reduction in muscle soreness
after exercise. But there are other
reasons to try them – they contain
melatonin, a naturally occurring
hormone that is critical in the
regulation of sleep in humans and
have a natural inflammatory effect.
Try: Beet it! (
Nitrates, compounds found in the
vegetable that are converted by the
body to nitrite, not only relaxes and
widens blood vessels but influences
how efficiently our cells use
oxygen. A growing body of
evidence suggests nitrates
play a role in improving
blood flow, maintaining
immune function and
cardiovascular health
and also potentially
enhancing performance.
Consume nitrates
and the mitochondria,
the energy-producing
powerhouses of our
cells, are able to utilise
oxygen more sparingly,
thereby conserving
Some studies have
suggested that a good dietary
intake of nitrates lowers the
oxygen cost of exercise to such an
extent that endurance rises by up
to 15%. On a weight for weight basis,
rocket supplies the most, almost
four times the amount in fresh
Swiss chard, oak leaf lettuce and
rhubarb also contain high levels.
Beetroot is popular because of its
convenience – it can be juiced to
provide the concentrated measured
doses essential in laboratory
settings – but there’s plenty of
evidence that shots of it can be
Natural hydration
Try: SOS
Hydration (£8.99;
com) or Veloforte
As athletes move away
from excessive use of
sugary sports drinks,
manufacturers are
responding with a range
of more natural hydration
products. SOS Hydration,
developed by athletes to
WHO recommendations,
come as a powder that
you mix into water.
It provides easily absorbed
concentrations of electrolytes,
which will help you to stay hydrated
and replace the electrolytes lost
in your sweat, and glucose, which
will top up your energy stores.
And Veloforte’s range of sports
recovery drinks providing energy,
sodium and potassium as well
as micronutrients, contain purely
plant-based ingredients.
Vitamin D
Try: Healthspan Elite D3
It is the nutrient of the moment
and getting enough of the sunshine
Nutrition essentials
Blackcurrant capsules:
shown to reduce DOMS
in athletes
Cherry shots:
recovery aid