The_20Scientist_20March_202019 (1)

(singke) #1





Researchers were successfully inserting
short, single-stranded DNA, so why not try
making a knock-in by inserting long, sin-
gle-stranded DNA? Indeed, the approach,
which Gurumurthy calls Easi-CRISPR
(efficient additions with ssDNA inserts
-CRISPR), boosts efficiency by 2.5
times, and using single-stranded DNA
slashes the rate of off-target insertions
100-fold in cell culture (Nat Protoc
13:195–215, 2018; Nature 559:405–09,
2018). “It is quite huge,” he says. In Guru-
murthy’s lab, Easi-CRISPR has generated
a knock-in mouse line for 9 out of every
10 genes they have tried. A collaborator
has also used it in human T cells to create
CAR-T cells, patient-specific immune cells
for fighting cancer.

TRY IT:Easi-CRISPR is far from foolproof,
Gurumurthy cautions. Sometimes the tech-

nique inserts only part of the gene. Also, he
adds, it can scramble the homology arms—
the short sequences on either side of the
gene that home it to its correct target in
the genome. And some loci are inexplica-
bly more difficult to insert than others.
Few commercial vendors design and
synthesize custom long, single-stranded
DNA. Yo u can make your own, but the sta-
bility of single-stranded DNA varies; less-
stable sequences will have lower yields, so
you may need to synthesize more of them,
says Gurumurthy.
Researchers unable to insert CRISPR
into single-cell mouse embryos can pay a
core facility to make the mice with their
DNA sequence, says Gurumurthy. Core
facilities such as his charge from $5,000–
$15,000 to generate one or two breed-
ing pairs; commercial facilities charge
$20,000–$50,000, he says.


candidate in the lab of Jay Shendure, Uni-
versity of Washington

PROJECT: Findlay and his colleagues
were aiming to improve how clinicians

interpret mutations in the breast and
ovarian cancer gene BRCA1. That gene
has thousands of variants, but research-
ers don’t know how most of them affect
its function. To study the impact of
these variants, they used a knock-in
technique they developed called satu-
ration genome editing (Nature, 562,
217–22, 2018).
In an immortalized haploid human
cell line, they used C RISPR-Cas9 to
knock in 4,000 tiny variants in millions
of cells at once in vitro. The genome is
cut at the same spot in each cell, but each
cell’s genome receives a different variant.
To promote HDR, they also knocked out
the ligase4 gene, disabling the NHEJ
repair pathway—a step that yielded a
threefold gain in efficiency, Findlay says.
Finally, since all the cells’ knock-ins are
different, they sequenced the cells deeply,
covering the same genomic region mil-
lions of times, to make sure they actu-
ally knocked in the 4,000 variants they
wanted to study. They sequenced at two
time points, and deduced that the knock-
ins that didn’t come up in the sequenc-
ing at the second time point were ones
that interfered with the gene’s function,
because the cells carrying them must
have died.

TRY IT: Findlay’s team had the DNA
oligos for the 4,000 variants manufac-
tured for them on a microarray. Yo u can
buy arrays of 6,000 to 250,000 oligos,
so consider getting more bang for your
buck by combining multiple experi-
ments on the same array, says Find-
l ay. Their lab pays about $5,000 for
100,000 oligos.
This strategy comes with limita-
tions: it has so far only been used to
knock in single-nucleotide variants,
and all the edits need to be in the same
gene. The method works best when
editing a fairly narrow region of DNA,
about 110–120 base pairs, because lon-
ger DNA oligos would have too many
errors, Findlay says. It’s also important
to sequence very deeply to make sure
that you account for the full number of
variants you intended to knock in. g


human cells



of variants

SNV library +
Cas9, multiplex repair

Library of all possible SNVs

Day 5 Day 11

knocked in all 4,000 known single-nucleotide vari-
ants (SNVs) of the BRCA1 gene in millions of cul-
tured cells. Then, they sequenced all the variants --
once fi ve days after knocking them in, and again six
days after that. They deduced that variants that dis-
appeared on the second round of sequencing had
interfered with the gene’s function, causing the cells
that carried them to die.
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