(^28) Feature
natural products for human consumption, both generated
in Colombia and imported. There are cases of counterfeit
products, false claims about composition, contamination, and
many more problems that require the participation of analytical
chemistry. As a stark and worrying example, we know of a
company that produces a medicine purporting to be based
solely on marigold (Calendula officinalis) extract, but in fact it
is based on the prescription drug diclofenac. Other areas that
need more attention include the control of pesticide use, air
or water contamination and oil spills.
When I arrived in Colombia, close to 40 years ago, there
were one or two GC-MS systems in the whole country.
Today, we have over 1,500 gas and liquid chromatographs
in universities and industry. There are several world-class
laboratories, equipped with high-resolution GC-MS, LC-
MS, NMR and X-ray diffraction, and the work being done at
these centers demonstrates the great value of analytical science
in the future development of the country.
Elena Stashenko, Director, Research Center for Biomolecules
- CIBIMOL Research Center of Excellence, CENIVAM
Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Where Next?
We hope this article will be the start of an ongoing series
highlighting the achievements of analytical scientists in different
regions, particularly areas that are under-represented at
conferences, in journals and in our own Power List. We’ d love to
hear where you think we should turn our spotlight next – email
[email protected] or leave a comment online.