The_Analytical_Scientist_-_February_2019 (1)

(singke) #1

Application Note ^45

An inert sample pathway is critical for accurately quantifying
low levels of active sample that are common in today’s
analytical applications. Regulations and smaller sample
sizes have placed utmost importance on getting accurate
results quickly without instrument downtime.
An inert flow path in HPLC is becoming more and
more important as the industry standards and government

regulations require lower and lower detection levels.
Without an inert flow path, analytes can be lost, peaks can
be broad, and testing can be unreliable. Dursan® is capable
of coating everything in the flow path from injection to
detector, including parts that other coatings cannot handle,
like frits.
If you’re testing sensitive molecules that might bind or
have issues with stainless steel, Dursan® coated components
can only make your chromatography better. Until now,
PEEK has been the industry standard for inertness in
HPLC. Dursan® has the inertness of PEEK with the
robustness of stainless steel. This gives you the ability to
confidently measure compounds such as proteins, chelating
agents, and biologics with ease. Because Dursan® coating is
applied via chemical vapor deposition, there are negligible
effects on pressure and packability. A Dursan® column
is not only inert, but it’s also versatile, as it can be used
anywhere that stainless steel, titanium, or PEEK is used.

For more information visit

How to Ensure

Analytical Accuracy

and Reliability with

an Inert Flow Path

Regulations and smaller sample sizes
have placed utmost importance on getting
accurate results quickly without
instrument downtime.

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and eliminate PEEK

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