The_Analytical_Scientist_-_February_2019 (1)

(singke) #1

Not seeing

the forest for the ...?

Get a clear view of the big picture and relevant details: Use
intelligently automated GERSTEL solutions with PrepAhead
productivity to get your work done in a transparent, efficient
and precise manner.

Sample preparation for GC/MS and LC/MS analysis:

  • Liquid/liquid extraction

  • Clean-up and matrix removal

  • Analyte concentration

  • Derivatization and liquid addition

  • Generation and addition of standards
    Our solvent-free, solvent reduced and μL-scale sample prep
    techniques improve LOQs and provide a clearer view while
    reducing cost and environmental impact.

What can we do for you?

Derivatization, Adding
Standards, Mixing

SPE, Filtration, Clean Up,
Solvent Evaporation

Automated Liner
Exchange ALEX

Thermal desorption

Headspace & Dynamic
Headspace (DHS)

Free download pdf