Mini World – June 2019

(Romina) #1

MiniWorld June 2019 65

I was eliminated in Round 3, but I got

Paddy to autograph it: priceless!

The next IMM race was in Belgium,

  1. I changed the wheels and

bearings and was hoping for a good

finish. One thing I didn’t think about

started to happen during the races, I

kept eliminating kids! Race after race

these little kids had to race against me

and lose. Working with kids most of my

adult life, I felt bad doing this to them.

At least the humour of the loud booing

made it more entertaining and put a

brief smile on the kids’ faces. I went on

to barely win my first IMM race with an

almost photo-finish. There were quite a

few people building racers just as fast

as mine, making it almost impossible for

kids to finish in the top 10, much less win.

As the competition was evolving and

getting faster, I could see that it would be

great to have a racing class just for kids.

The following IMM was in Ireland. For

this race I brought back the Paddy racer

as well as a new, low-profile racer with

side bars to protect the wheels from the

track’s edge. I was hoping to get at least

one of them in to the finals. As expected

there were a lot of fast racers, with

even more entries and more spectators.

Lucky for me, both of mine made it into

the final eight. For the finals we picked

a playing card each round to see who

would race against whom. Lucky for

me again, I never had to race against

myself. Both of mine won each round so

the final two was me versus, well, me. It

sounds kind of cool but it was seriously

embarrassing. Needless to say, I finished

first and second with the new ‘Peace

Love Mini’ racer finishing first. Once again,

the kids didn’t stand a chance against

the competitive adults. It was even

more obvious to me that there should

be a separate class just for the kids.

Last year was IMM Portugal. I took both

racers to try to defend my prior wins.

Dirk and Marlen from Germany
proudly showing off the Kids’
Class racer that she built.

Marlen, age 9,
building her
first racer!

IMM Portugal 2018 – the line-up ready to race.

The startline at IMM Belgium in 2016.


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