Truck & Driver UK – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Truck & Driver Summer 2019^109

soon as you get back? They
are flat-out moving cattle from
drought-affected areas. We’ll fly
you up and there’s a truck ready
and waiting for you.”
Now, Darwin, often described
as the last frontier, was high on
my list of places to see. Its
geographical location in the
extreme north of Australia means
it’s closer to the city of Makassar
in Indonesia than any other
Australian city. Combined with
the fact that it’s the home of
RTA’s largest base, with about 40
roadtrains, and has a reputation
as a lawless place, I couldn’t wait
to get back to Australia.

Driving another new Kenny C509, this time loaded with bagged cement

Loading a Toyota Sprinter into a cattle crate at Perth

Paynes Find, Western Australia. The vastness and
monotony of the Outback takes a while to adjust to


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